New Heights Charter School of Brockton – Brockton Contact Details:
School Name: | New Heights Charter School of Brockton |
NCES School ID | 250055902869 |
State School ID | MA-3513-35130305 |
NCES District ID | 2500559 |
State District ID | MA-3513 |
CITY: | Brockton |
DISTRICT: | New Heights Charter School of Brockton (District) |
State: | MA |
County Name | Plymouth County |
ZIP: | 02301 |
ZIP 4-digit | |
Phone Number: | (508)857-4633 |
TAGS: New Heights Charter School of Brockton Phone Number, New Heights Charter School of Brockton Contact Number, New Heights Charter School of Brockton Phone No, New Heights Charter School of Brockton Contact No, New Heights Charter School of Brockton NCES School ID, New Heights Charter School of Brockton State School ID